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Skara Brae, Neolithic Settlement, British Archeology, Early Civilization,Orkney, Scottland, UK
Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus, Snorkel, Open Ocean, Exmouth, Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, Australia

Design Ethos

A good designer is aware of trends past, present, and current; the challenge of a successful design is analyzing and distorting these ordinary trends into original meaningful experiences. Experiences are the real luxuries of life; if there is a life after death, we certainly cannot take our material be­longings with us, but perhaps experiences of a life well-lived transcend. Adequate native biodiversity provides enhanced human experiences, unique through time and place. Experiencing biodiversity is a pure non-capitalist, non-monetary luxury. Bringing these natural moments of biological prosperity into the fabric of urban lifestyle is Isaac's primary paradigm.


The invention of human mass-agriculture marks a shift into the current Holocene Era, sixth mass extinction. Prior to agriculture developments and surplus trade, humans existed as hunter-gatherers with an integrated role in our planet’s systems. Humanity has evolved into a secondary alien system working cancerously with nature. As an architectural biodesigner Isaac strives to find moments to build meaningful reconnection for humans to our pre-Holocene existence. As stewards of nature how can we repair our planet, while still benefiting from its gifts of abun­dant renewable resources? Many of his design ideas start with biological field research. During these research expeditions he constantly observes, documents, and analyzes ecosystems and their organisms, contemplating human and non-human adaptations across various scales.


In the next 100 years, built environments will fully evolve into autonomous living organ­isms. Urbanscapes will blend with landscapes, facilitating symbiosis between human and non-human, metropolis and nature. The paradigm of the urbansphere as a singular system feeding off the planet must be abandoned. But how do biodesigners move towards this larger goal? Introduced through empathic experiences, citizens must be reconnected to biodiversity. Also, it is crucial that we close our waste stream cycles, turning them into regenerative, substance providing systems. In order to repair 10,000 years of human toxicity, we must stop the obsession with the industrialized "brand-new" and agricultural "cash-crop" methodologies. Design solutions may not address all these points, but with each project a biodesigner develops humanity is encouraged towards the larger goal.

Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Borneo Rainforest, Lowland Rainforest, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia

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